Parts & services

Agco & Kuhn Parts Books

We provide you the parts books of our suppliers to facilitate your search. Whether you need parts for your Massey Ferguson farm tractor or your Kuhn tedder, you’ll find what you need here.

If your parts needs concern your Kioti, Hyundai or other equipment, we invite you to contact us!



Our services

Agritibi RH’s #1 mission is to provide exceptional quality service! We listen to your needs and find clever solutions to your problems.

Parts Department

Our parts clerks make sure to fill our incredible inventory every day. They know your machines like no one else and offer you a dedicated service.

Outstanding technicians

Our technicians have a very clear mandate. Find intelligent and inexpensive solutions to repair your machines. Your equipment holds no secrets for them.

Have your parts delivered

Without even having to move! Call our parts department, place your order over the phone and they will make sure to have your parts delivered to your door!

Advantageous prices

Our excellent service will make you happy, but our low prices will make you even more so! Our prices are checked with a fine-tooth comb to ensure that we give you the lowest possible quote.

Repair service on the road

Your equipment is broken in the middle of the road? Can't get him out of the barn? No problem. A technician will come on site and get you out of trouble.

Solid guarantee

Equipment repairs done in our garage are guaranteed to give you the greatest possible peace of mind.


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